NDNEEL2s&9ÿÿÿÿäDAU:DOI:+IS:JN:NO:PB:PD:PG:TI:URL:VO:JN:`Business Week`JN: `Fortune`JN:`Rolling Stone`AU:IS:JN:NO:PB: PD:PG:TI:URL:VO: PG: `ALL` AU:  JN:  NO:  PB:  PD:  PG:  TI:  URL:  VO: íD D edited by by H H: , USA [ ] , U.S.A. D DDDby HD*ed. version. version [ ] edition. edition HS: . [ ] / , ( ) DHD: DDDScale DDDSLSDL L!L"L#L$L%L&L'D H[ ] , Dp. ; : p ALL HD{,;‚‚‚ ‚ ‚ ‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚RecordURL: ‚ {NONE}  uUnCover (INGENTA)Ingenta)1. UnCover data does not differentiate between journal and magazine articles. This filter is set up to recognize some magainzes as such, but cannot recognize all of them. Therefore, you may want to manually change the reference type to Magazine Article for certain references after importing. UnCover